Hi, my name is Erica Kayla Moreno. I'm a self-taught nail artist who creates tutorials on youtube. I created this blog to go more into detail of what I did to create my nail art designs. Not only will you find stuff about my nail art but also random things in my life from my thoughts, going to places, beauty, thrifting, and etc.
I'm a shy introvert so speaking has never been my forte, which is why I like to write out my thoughts. It's easier to express myself fully with writing since I have the time to actually sit and think about what I really want to say. Whereas in real life when I want to speak or voice my opinion it ends up being like a deer caught in the headlights kind of moment. As hard as it can be to be shy and introverted since people see it as a negative, I try my best to find ways to love and appreciate it.
Some things you should know about me is that I love anything mystical and hauntingly beautiful from classic fairy tales, art, photography, and movies. Speaking of movies Guillermo del Toro is one of my favorite directors. His movie Pan's Labyrinth is my obsession. I fell in love with it and loved every single thing about it! It captivated and inspired me so much that ever since watching that film I've been obsessed with all of Guillermo del Toro's work. One of my biggest dreams would be to make a film. I would love to be able to have people see things through my eyes. To tell stories that make someone escape their world and go into another leaving them learning things they haven't learned before about themselves and life.
I hope you guys like getting to know me on a more personal level on my blog!
-Bearica🐻 👑